Friday, November 19, 2010

Finding the Inspiration

It's been difficult lately to find the inspiration for a lot of things in my life lately.

Blog? Uh yeah, haven't updated in a while.

Work? Been stuck in a cycle of endless writing and little time to devote to the projects I'd really like to do. I've adopted that freelancer's mantra of "If they're offering money, take it." Because that paycheck could always stop, and working is not optional for me.

But I'm thinking (hoping) I've turned a corner.

I went to the launch party last night for Boston Parent Bloggers, and met many great parent bloggers, many of whom have very successful blogs. It got me thinking a lot about the direction I want to take this blog and what I really want it to be. So I'm hoping that will give me a swift kick in the butt to keep with this and turn it into a great resource for other moms and dads.

In terms of work, I had a discussion the other day with this woman I do work for about my future with the company, which she would like to be much greater than it currently is. While I considered that quite a compliment, I also got to thinking, "Is this what I really want to do with my life? Is this what I see myself doing for the next 5 years? 10 years?" And when I was perfectly honest with myself, that answer was "no."

So where does that leave me? At the moment, it leaves me with a blog with a one-month gap in it, and still doing work for this company that's great money at the moment, but not where I see myself long-term.

But I'm starting to get some inspiration. Just a flicker at the moment, but I'm hoping in the days, weeks and months ahead, it will turn into much better things for me.

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you last night! I think your blog is great and I am looking forward to getting to know you! Best of luck with your job and let's here it for inspiration for both of us! :) Have a great weekend!!
